Family Clinic Services
Televisits and in person medical and mental health services available. Same day appointments are available. Our providers can see you for anything that your regular doctor sees you for. No need to go wait in line at a clinic, call us today for an in-person or a Telehealth appointment online. We believe in providing needed health care no matter your location.
Urinary Tract Infections
Urinary tract infection (UTI) known as "bladder infection" is among the most common health issues. Although it is common, it can be difficult to treat unless accurate diagnostics and interventions are used. NGC Integrated Health is partnered with VIKOR Scientific Laboratories for advanced diagnostics (Molecular Methodology). You don't have to wait 3-5 days to get your results.
Intensive Diabetic Care
Diabetes can be debilitating if not properly managed. Sometimes, we are not sure of our risk factors. There are many ways to test if you have diabetes. The American Diabetic Association has different treatment options that we can individualize according to your lifestyle. Visit us at NGC Integrated Healthcare for proper diagnosis and treatment.